Saturday, September 17, 2011


Speaking one of the local languages has become one of my favorite things about living in Zambia. Every where I travel in the country I can find at least one person that speaks the language I know. Well I should be careful here, I don't know the language very well and it has gotten worse since leaving the village. Leading off a conversation in Bemba however leads to awesomeness.
I traveled to Bemba speaking province for work last week; it was a great time speaking to the women and children in my rudimentary Bemba. We went through the markets and to fish landing sights which gave me ample opportunity to use my rusty language skills. My goodness how much fun I had. In Lusaka I only use my language skills to negotiate a taxi. Up there I used the language to ask the women what kind of fish they have and where it is from. To ask kids to take their photos and to ask random people on the street for directions. To ask people what they are doing and what they are having for supper. I don't use it for an in depth conversation but it I use it to get a laugh out of people and to break the ice. The trip was great fun and reminded me of all the goodness Zambia has to offer (the city wears you down sometimes!).

Boats outside the Department of Fisheries

Traders selling sweet potatoes at the Kashikishi landing site on Lake Mweru.

Lake Mweru, Kashikishi fish landing site.

These kids were hilarious.

Lots of activity at a fish landing site.

As soon as I got back into Lusaka Alex (left) and Martha (right) talked me into meeting them at Plates for the wine tasting, I had juice. I was dirty, tired and had all of my stuff. Alex also had just gotten in from a quick trip out of town and also had all of her stuff which made it impossible to say no to the ladies. Plates is a rather classy restaurant and I walked in with a filthy pack with my running shoes hanging off the bag. People were staring. But I would like to think they were not judging but admiring how hardcore I looked, coming from some place obviously far away wasting no time to have a nice evening in town. (Ladies I'm sorry I am putting this picture up its not the best I know but it was the best end to the day). It is going to be hard to leave Zambia, but I think the time has come.

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