Monday, November 29, 2010

Count Down to Home Visit

Today is Nov 29th 2010, as you are probably well aware.  I left home for Zambia on July 24, 2008 (it might of been the 26th I don't exactly remember).  On December 12th, 2010 I will be leaving for Americaland to see my family and to be home for the first time in over 2 years.  It is very exciting.  I haven't seen my mother, my brother, my grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins in about 2 years.  Some friends I haven't seen in 2, 3, or 4 years.  Hopefully I will get to see everyone that it near and dear and important in my life.  There is a fear that won't happen and if I don't get to see you it didn't mean I didn't want not see you.  Love you all. 

13.5 days and counting!


  1. Yay! I wish I could make it down to Texas to see you, but Texas feels like another country to me right now. ;)

  2. Texas IS another country. A country that wants to see you soon! We'll be here, outside of Dec 23-28 when we head to Illinois. I am excited to see you! (I will see you, won't I?!)

  3. Yes ma'am Ms. Chrissy. We will have to make a program to meet up. Kealy my dear, I have been looking at flights to Oregon. It might work out!!!

  4. Hey Joce. My name is Geoff, found you on Peace Corps Journal. I just got the word I will be living in Lusaka as a Response volunteer starting in January. Just wanted to say hi. It would be great to chat or email, I have a few questions...have fun at home!
